Pretraživanje: "handbook"
O.D. Doleski - Handbook of Electrical Power Systems I. Kerszenbaum - Handbook of Large Turbo-Generator Operation and Maintenance T. L. Burton - Wind Energy Handbook D.H. Rothenberg - Control Room Operator`s Handbook K. Araújo - Routledge Handbook of Energy Transitions Y. Hase - Handbook of Power Systems Engineering with Power Electronics I. Pioro - Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors F. Toledo - Smart Metering Handbook Y. Hase - Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis J.C. Das - Load Flow Optimization and Optimal Power Flow SLEDEĆA >> Prikaz knjiga od 1 do 10 od ukupno 34 rezultata pretrazivanja |
Y. Hase - Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis 1st Edition, Kindle Edition by Yoshihide Hase, Tanuj Khandelwal, Kazuyuki Kameda Publisher : Wiley; 1st edition (February 11, 2020) Publication date : February 11, 2020 Language : English Print length : 1064 pages A unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical analysis experience Derived from Yoshihide HaseÂs Handbook of Power Systems Engineering, 2nd Edition, this book provides readers with everything they need to know about power system dynamics. Presented in three parts, it covers power system theories, computation theories, and how prevailed engineering platforms can be utilized for various engineering works. It features many illustrations based on ETAP to help explain the knowledge within as much as possible. Recompiling all the chapters from the previous book, Power System Dynamics with Computer Based Modeling and Analysis offers nineteen new and improved content with updated information and all new topics, including two new chapters on circuit analysis which help engineers with non-electrical engineering backgrounds. Topics covered include: Essentials of Electromagnetism; Complex Number Notation (Symbolic Method) and Laplace-transform; Fault Analysis Based on Symmetrical Components; Synchronous Generators; Induction-motor; Transformer; Breaker; Arrester; Overhead-line; Power cable; Steady-State/Transient/Dynamic Stability; Control governor; AVR; Directional Distance Relay and R-X Diagram; Lightning and Switching Surge Phenomena; Insulation Coordination; Harmonics; Power Electronics Applications (Devices, PE-circuit and Control) and more. Combines computer modeling of power systems, including analysis techniques, from an engineering consultantÂs perspective Uses practical analytical software to help teach how to obtain the relevant data, formulate Âwhat-if cases, and convert data analysis into meaningful information Includes mathematical details of power system analysis and power system dynamics Power System Dynamics with Computer-Based Modeling and Analysis will appeal to all power system engineers as well as engineering and electrical engineering students. About the Author Yoshihide Hase is a power systems engineering consultant in Japan. Tanuj Khandelwal is CTO and Senior Principal Electrical Engineer at ETAP - Operation Technology, Inc. in the USA. Kazuyuki Kameda provides engineering and consulting services for Electrical and Control Systems at Eltechs Engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd, in Japan. |