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Electrical Engineer
29.11.2024 - NBN POWER Srbija


Electrical Engineer,German language,Planung, Ausschreibung

Role Description
This is a full-time remote role for an Electrical Engineer with German language skills. The role involves electrical design, planning, and tendering. The Electrical Engineer will be responsible for power distribution, power systems, and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Proficiency in electrical design, power distribution, and power systems
Strong knowledge of electricity and electrical engineering principles
Experience in planning and tendering electrical projects
Fluency in German language
Excellent technical and analytical skills
Ability to work independently and remotely
Experience in the field of Commercial, Industrial, Advanced Technology, or Life Sciences Facilities is a plus
Bachelor`s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field

Povezani POSLOVI

30.12.2024 Electrical Design Engineer NBN POWER Home Office 100%

29.11.2024 Electrical Engineer NBN POWER Srbija

01.04.2024 Electrical Engineer,German language,Planung, Ausschreibung NBN POWER · Serbia

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